Welcome to helenfall.com! Helen is a performer and instructor of viola, violin, chamber music, and orchestral music. Explore the site to find out more.

Helen Fall Performance Bio

For teaching information, please visit the Studio Resources page.

 Featured Articles

How Does Music Benefit the Brain?

Research shows that music greatly benefits the brain. Read the article.

Studies reveal musical training in childhood aids language learning ability

Just one hour a week of musical interaction greatly increases linguistic aptitude, even into adulthood. Read the article from The Strad magazine.

New Statistics Linking Music Education to Cognitive Development
It’s long been accepted that music education helps students become more prepared for a lifetime of learning. New studies now show statistical evidence linking music lessons to measurable gains in focus, discipline, and critical thinking, meaning the connection between music and learning is now stronger than ever. 
Read more.

That 'Useless' Liberal Arts Degree Has Become Tech's Hottest Ticket

From Forbes Magazine: Big tech employers are widening their hiring horizons beyond the STEM fields: science, technology, engineering and math. Larry Quinlan, Deloitte’s chief information officer, argues in favor of “STEAM,” in which the A stands for the arts. “It’s not enough to be technologically brilliant,” Quinlan says. “We need senior people who understand business processes, too.” Read more.

Arts Education Fuels the Economy

We all know that studying music and art is good for your brain, but did you know that the arts are also good for the economy? Read why here.

A Musical Fix for American Schools
From the Wall Street Journal: More evidence that keeping music programs in schools helps boost IQ, test scores, creative thinking for scientists, and the list goes on.

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 Studio News

Congratulations to violin student Colleen, awarded 3rd place and a $500 prize at the February 23rd Alexandria Lions' Club James Bland Music Competition!



Northern Senior Regional Orchestra

Maya, 9th chair viola

District 12

Jinger, JDO 5th chair viola

Jason, SDO 10th chair viola

American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras


Maya, Co-Assistant Principal viola


Alyssa,  section viola

Jason,  section viola


Jinger, section viola

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technolgy
Philharmonic Orchestra

  Section 1st violin, Co-President of Orchestras

James Madison High School Chamber Orchestra

Jason, Principal Viola

Woodson High School Chamber Orchestra

Maya,  Principal Viola

Rocky Run Middle School

Jinger, Principal Viola



© 2015-2023 Jonas Music Services. All website content belongs to Helen Fall Music Studio

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